Custom Sphere and Toric Contact Lenses
Give your patients what they want—freedom from glasses. Prescribe lenses based on your patient's specific ocular anatomy and refractive needs.

Our Custom Lenses
54 Toric & Sphere
- High-performance, lower-profile design for ultimate comfort
- Quarterly replacement
- Hioxifilcon D 54% material
- Resources:
59 Toric & Sphere
- Ultra wet and comfortable; great contact lens for patients complaining of lens-related dry eye or late-day dryness
- Quarterly replacement
- Hioxifilcon A 59% material
- Resources:
49 Toric & Sphere
- Offers great visual acuity at a great value
- Conventional 6- to 12-month replacement
- Hioxifilcon B 49% material
- Resources:
Step 1: Obtain Measurements
Obtain patient Ks, manifest Rx, and HVID (if possible). If you are interested in learning techniques to measure a patient’s HVID, visit our How to Measure HVID page available in the learning center.
Step 2: Contact SpecialEyes
Contact SpecialEyes and let us design the custom spherical or toric contact lens for you. If you prefer to design the lens yourself, use the SpecialEyes Arc Length Calculator or Prescribing Nomogram available in the Learning Center.
Next, provide the lens design or exam parameters to SpecialEyes via phone, email, or fax:
Phone: 866-404-1060
Fax: 866-404-1030
Your trial spherical or toric contact lenses will arrive in 2 to 4 business days.
Step 3: Evaluate Fit
Evaluate on-eye performance of the trial contact lenses. Assess fit and visual acuity. If performance is acceptable, your successful trial lenses become the first quarterly pair. You may then contact us (using any of the above methods) to order the remaining supply.
If you need to improve performance or fit, follow the steps below:
Contact a SpecialEyes consultant to report your initial sphere or toric contact lens fitting evaluation results.
Phone: 866-822-2020
Online: Complete and submit the Request Consultation form.
Correct fit issues before attempting to alter power. If the fit is acceptable, perform sphero-cylindrical over-refraction and order a remake trial lens, which we will provide at no lens cost.
Step 4: Evaluate Remake Trial Lenses (if necessary)
Evaluate on-eye performance of remake trial lenses. If performance is acceptable, order the remaining supply or any quantity you would like. To further improve performance or fit, repeat step 3.
What Makes Our Lenses Different?

Wide Parameter Range
Our custom soft contact lenses can accommodate refractive errors up to +/- 25.00 Diopters in the sphere power and up to -8.00 Diopters in the cylinder power.

Optimum Vision Correction
The wide parameter range and fine incremental adjustments enable optimum vision correction for those patients with astigmatism or extreme hyperopia or myopia.

Guaranteed Fit & Delivery
All SpecialEyes custom soft contacts are covered under our Guaranteed Fit Policy and Warranty Program. Lenses arrive in office or to your patient in no more than 4 business days.